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39 posts
Water industry watchdog attacked for climate ‘hypocrisy’ on flying
Climate pollution by Scotland’s water industry watchdog has trebled after more than 200 flights to London and abroad, prompting accusations of “hypocrisy”.
Trump’s Turnberry resort condemned for environmental breaches
Donald Trump’s golf course in Ayrshire has been officially damned as “poor” for breaking environmental rules - along with Gordonstoun school and Gleneagles Hotel.
Named: the ‘dirty dozen’ companies that pollute Scotland
Scotland’s most polluting companies have been named and shamed in a new database compiled by the government’s Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
Trump and big name polluters damned as ‘poor’ by government watchdog
Donald Trump’s golf resort in Aberdeenshire has been condemned as “poor” for sewage pollution by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
The Bosnian steel town choking to death
Air pollution is a major problem in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The country has the world’s fifth highest incidence of death by air pollution.
Ban on polluting pesticide dropped after complaint from fish farmers
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency secretly ditched a plan to ban a toxic pesticide after pressure from the fish farming industry.
Cover-up alleged after pollution from oil rig revealed
The UK coastguard agency has been accused of a pollution “cover-up” over the oil rig that ran aground in northwest Scotland last month.
Coal Authority on final warning after river runs red with pollution
The Coal Authority is to review the way it manages minewater treatment facilities across Scotland after a pollution incident in Lanarkshire.
Burning underground coal left ‘trail of destruction’
Plans to set fire to coal under the seabed at 19 sites around the UK could cause massive climate pollution, groundwater contamination and toxic waste.