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How Green is Scotland?
6 posts
26 Voices: visions from across Scotland on our climate future
Twenty-six people making a difference in Scotland outline their visions for our climate future.
Nearly 50 Scottish Water sites ‘unsatisfactory’, finds green watchdog
Nearly 50 sites run by Scottish Water including sewage and wastewater treatment are “poor”, “very poor” or “at risk”, according to Scotland’s environmental watchdog.
More than a thousand wildlife species and habitats in poor condition
More than 1,100 of Scotland's wildlife species and natural habitats are in a "poor" condition, and dozens of the nation’s protected sites have been damaged by climate change.
How Green is Scotland? Protected areas under threat
Environmental and wildlife groups are calling for urgent action to combat the twin climate change and wildlife crises and help preserve Scotland’s natural heritage.
Over 40 fish farms ‘unsatisfactory’, says government watchdog
Over one in ten of Scotland’s fish farms have been rated as “unsatisfactory" by the Scottish Government’s environmental watchdog.
Revealed: 400 sites in Scotland broke environmental rules
More than 400 industrial sites across Scotland have been officially damned as “unsatisfactory” on pollution.