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55 posts
Burning underground coal left ‘trail of destruction’
Plans to set fire to coal under the seabed at 19 sites around the UK could cause massive climate pollution, groundwater contamination and toxic waste.
Blow to plans to burn coal under the sea
Much vaunted plans to set fire to coal under the sea around Scotland are likely to be dealt a blow by an independent review for the Scottish Government.
Glasgow University slated for ‘silencing’ fracking critic
Glasgow University has cancelled online access for a geology professor who criticised the fracking industry.
Highland estate invested in controversial fracking firm
Panama Papers show the owners of a Highland estate sought to profit from a fracking firm criticised for its 'unacceptable' environmental impact.
Ineos hires new managers to frack central Scotland
The Grangemouth petrochemical company is pressing ahead with fracking plans despite the Scottish Government's moratorium.
Fracking: US study warns of toxic chemical risks
Fresh fears about fracking Scotland’s central belt after scientists discover dangerous levels of toxic chemicals at a US fracking site.
Ministers drop consultant exposed as pro fracking
The Scottish Government awarded a £36,000 contract to investigate the environmental impact of fracking to a vocal supporter of the technology - and then hastily dropped it under questioning.
Resistance: The people fighting fracking in Scotland
Meet the people campaigning for a permanent ban on fracking and other unconventional gas extraction industries in Scotland.
Government deletes statement supporting underground coal gasification
The Scottish Government removed a web page supportive of Underground Coal Gasification only after activists complained.