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The League Against Cruel Sports
4 posts
Fox hunts accused of using dogs to chase animals despite ban
Mounted hunts have been filmed covertly and reported to Police Scotland for allegedly flouting a new law to prevent illegal fox hunting with packs of dogs.
Fox hunts accused of killing fox cubs by animal rights groups
Animal welfare campaigners have expressed concern that fox hunts have been illegally hunting fox cubs ahead of new legislation coming into force.
Forestry and Land Scotland criticised for allowing fox hunts into public forests
Animal welfare groups have condemned Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) for continuing to allow fox hunts into public forests which are home to protected species such as otters, wildcats and badgers.
Fox hunt accused of “complete ignorance” over public mood to end hunting
An animal welfare group has accused a fox hunt of showing “complete ignorance” of the mood in Scotland to end fox hunting.