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Andrew Watterson
24 posts
UK oil authority leaders under fire over oil company shares
Three of the senior executives who run the UK government authority that licenses new North Sea developments have shares worth over £225,000 in the oil industry.
Fish farms: £10m handouts, £900m profits and 300,000 tonnes of pollution
Six fish farming companies in Scotland given government handouts of over £10 million have made profits of £926 million since 2010.
5,000 sites escape pollution checks due to coronavirus crisis
More than 5,000 business sites across Scotland are going to escape judgement on their environmental breaches in 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic.
57 sites guilty of environmental breaches kept secret
The names of 57 sites across Scotland guilty of breaking environmental rules have been kept secret at the behest of the UK government to protect “national security”.
Environmental inspections in Scotland down by a quarter
The number of annual inspections of sites regulated by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency fell by a quarter over the last five years, prompting concerns about pollution.
Ineos breach at Grangemouth risks ‘catastrophic’ accident
The oil and petrochemical giant, Ineos, has broken rules meant to prevent disasters and protect communities in central Scotland, according to a UK government safety watchdog.
Shell and ExxonMobil accused of ‘putting profit before safety’ in Fife
Two oil multinationals have repeatedly failed to reduce the risks of major accidents at petrochemical plants in Fife, according to documents from the UK government’s Health and Safety Executive.
Fracking violates human rights, says international tribunal
Fracking industry condemned by international tribunal for harming humanity, violating human rights and damaging nature.
Ineos Grangemouth plant rated poor for pollution two years running
The Ineos refinery at Grangemouth has been condemned for “poor” environmental performance for the second year running.