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Alex Cole Hamilton
17 posts
High levels of faeces found at nearly 60 per cent of wild swimming spots
Nearly sixty per cent of Scotland’s most popular spots for wild swimming were polluted with high levels of faeces at least once this summer.
‘Nauseating’: Illegal sewage spills polluted protected waters, data suggests
Scottish Water illegally discharged sewage hundreds of times during dry weather, soiling beauty spots such as West Sands beach at St Andrews.
Postcode lottery: Patients less likely to get face-to-face appointments with city GPs
Urban GPs with large patient lists are among those most likely to give patients phone consultations instead of face-to-face appointments, analysis by The Ferret has found.
Scotland’s ‘unlawful’ bathing water policy challenged by Environmental Rights Centre
A green charity has made an official complaint about the Scottish Government's allegedly “unlawful” approach to protecting bathing waters from sewage leaks.
Anti-abortion lobbyists met MSPs over 100 times since 2021
Anti-abortion lobbyists have met with MSPs from all the major political parties, prompting concerns from women’s rights groups.
Edinburgh University has shares worth millions in Russian bank and firm linked to Putin
Edinburgh University has shares worth £1m in a bank sanctioned after Russia's invasion of Ukraine and more than £6m in a Dutch firm with links to Vladimir Putin.
Claim 100,000 have ‘long Covid’ in Scotland is Mostly True
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact Scotland and the rest of the UK, with further restrictions in place as the Omicron variant spreads rapidly.
Named: 102 GP practices shared patient information with Data Loch project
The Information Commissioner is to probe a controversial medical database after campaigners raised concerns that GPs may have broken privacy laws.
More than one million patients unable to opt out of NHS plan to share personal data
A £63m plan to allow access to NHS medical records has been criticised for failing to offer patients a choice over whether data is shared with researchers.