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69 posts
The children left destitute on Scotland’s streets
Growing numbers of children and families are being left destitute amid claims officials are interpreting the law incorrectly.
August 23, 2017
Domestic abuse victim finally granted refugee status
Case prompts claims that the UK asylum system is dangerous for women whose immigration status is linked to their partner.
February 8, 2017
Poor housing for refugees causing ‘suffering and stress’
People seeking asylum are being bullied, evicted and suffering in poor quality accommodation, say groups submitting evidence to a Westminster inquiry.
November 11, 2016
Number of police on streets down almost 50 per cent since 2011
In some parts of Scotland traditional "beat bobbies" are non-existent and the situation for local policing is “critical,” according to the Scottish Police Federation.
August 23, 2016
Scottish charities used workfare despite denials
Paperwork obtained by The Ferret shows charity that denied supporting controversial 'workfare' scheme did in fact benefit from the programme.
August 3, 2016
Domestic violence: ‘Home Office must act to save lives’
Women's lives are at risk from domestic violence and abuse just because of their immigration status, a special investigation by The Ferret has found.
April 20, 2016