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Fact check
419 posts
Claim wealth inequality in Scotland has increased is True
Ferret Fact Service looks at controversy over newspaper claims that Scotland's wealth inequality is growing.
Claim that recorded crime down and police numbers up is Mostly True
Ferret Fact Service looks at the SNP's claim about Police Scotland recorded crime and officer numbers.
Claim Scotland Office hospitality spending has increased seven-fold is False
Ferret Fact Service looks at claims of a significant hospitality spending increase by the Scotland Office.
No, Santa Claus was not first dressed in red by Coca-Cola
Ferret Fact Service looks at the festive claim that Santa Claus is dressed in red because of Coca-Cola advertising.
Scotland’s budget: Fact-checking tax claims
Ferret Fact Service looked at a number of claims made around the Scottish Budget announcement.
Claim that Brexit was not a vote to leave single market is Half True
Ferret Fact Service looks at whether leave voters in the EU referendum knew that would mean exiting the single market.
Claim that Scottish water is in public hands is Mostly True
Ferret Fact Service looks at claims surrounding the ownership of Scottish water.
Claim of £2bn budget bonus for Scotland is Half True
Ferret Fact Service looks at Ruth Davidson's claim that the £2bn of Budget cash for Scotland can be used on housing, hospitals and education.
MP’s claim joining EEC did not boost UK growth is Mostly False
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim by John Redwood about UK growth as part of the EEC.