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Animal welfare
149 posts
Airline stops shipping greyhounds to China after animal welfare concerns
Qatar Airways has introduced an embargo on the shipment of greyhounds to nations with poor records on animal welfare after an animal welfare campaign.
Dozens of greyhounds racing in Scotland test positive for banned substances such as cocaine
Cocaine, amphetamine, steroids and beta blockers were among prohibited substances found in the bloodstreams of greyhounds at Shawfield Stadium in Glasgow.
Official inspections of lice-ridden salmon farm slammed as ‘whitewash’
Government investigations of alleged animal cruelty after lice-infested salmon were filmed at a fish farm on the island of Lewis have been branded a “whitewash”.
Ammonia air pollution risk as Scotland’s dairy herds grow
The growing size Scotland’s dairy herds could boost ammonia gas pollution, which contributes to millions of deaths worldwide, experts have warned.
Carry on shooting: Scottish beavers still being killed
Two beavers have been shot and another five were seen dead on Tayside in the last month, an investigation by The Ferret has revealed.
Mass deaths: nine million fish killed by diseases at Scottish salmon farms
At least nine million fish have been killed by diseases, botched treatments, poor handling and other problems at salmon farms around Scotland since 2016.
Scottish Government ‘ignores’ pleas to improve chicken welfare
Scottish ministers accused of “making a mockery” of a public consultation after rejecting a series of recommendations to better the lives of farmed chickens.
Scottish Government under fire for £715k caged hen firm subsidy
Animal welfare campaigners have criticised the Scottish Government for giving a £715,000 subsidy to one of Scotland’s largest egg producers with tens of thousands of caged hens.
Revealed: the suffering faced by Scotland’s farm animals during live transport
New data has revealed more than 300 serious welfare breaches during live transport of animals in recent years.