Explained: Scotland’s carbon storage
Ferret Fact Service looks at the ways carbon storage can be done through natural processes, and how successfully we have protected them.
Claim Scottish child payment already lifted more than 100,000 kids out of poverty is False
Ferret Fact Service looks at the results of the Scottish child payment in reducing child poverty thus far.
What has The Ferret been up to in August? Championing independent media, and fishy business
It’s the end of another busy month here at The Ferret. Let's look back at what we’ve achieved, and how our journalism makes a difference in Scotland and beyond.
Fact check: Scottish drug deaths claims
As the latest figures on drug-related deaths in Scotland are released, Ferret Fact Service looks at a series of claims on the issue.
FFS explains: Do refugees increase crime in the UK?
Ferret Fact Service looks at whether there's a link betwen migration to the UK and crime.
How asylum hotels became a far right target
Ferret Fact Service looks at how 'asylum hotels' work, and why they have been a focus for attention.
What has The Ferret been up to in July? Local journalism, Scottish forests, and the Fringe
It’s the end of another busy month here at The Ferret. Let's look back at what we’ve achieved, and how our journalism makes a difference in Scotland and beyond.
Claim 27 per cent of pensioners are millionaires is Mostly True
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim about the number of millionaires who are millionaires in the UK.
Claim the UK Government is ‘downgrading’ issue of migrants that are ‘breaking the law’ is Mostly False
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim about the UK Government's language on migration.