Former Thatcher aide behind campaign to prevent ban on electric shock collars for dogs
Ian Gregory has been running an alleged astroturf campaign lobbying governments to prevent a ban on the use of electric shock collars on dogs.
Revealed: Tobacco firms lobbied politicians at Holyrood 34 times
Tobacco companies have intensified their lobbying efforts at Holyrood ahead of a potential tightening of smoking legislation, The Ferret can reveal.
Anti-abortion lobbyists met MSPs over 100 times since 2021
Anti-abortion lobbyists have met with MSPs from all the major political parties, prompting concerns from women’s rights groups.
London PR firm behind ‘grassroots’ pro-vape campaign called ‘Tell Nicola’
A pro-vaping group and a public relations firm in London were behind an astroturf campaign targeting Scottish Government proposals to regulate the vaping industry, The Ferret can reveal.
Facebook campaigns opposing anti-vaping laws prompt concern
Organisations that do not disclose their funders are running astroturf campaigns that have spent over £60,000 on Facebook adverts attacking proposed anti-vaping legislation.
Lobbyist volunteered to help anti-SNP campaign in Scottish election
A senior lobbyist with an international consulting company volunteered to help a Facebook group running anti-SNP adverts during the Scottish election. campaign.
‘Dark money’ fears raised over anti-SNP Facebook adverts run by Unionists
A UK Government advisor, a former Brexit Party MEP and an Express journalist linked to social media anti-SNP 'dark money campaigns.'