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17 posts
More than 100 environmental breaches at fish farms
Fish farms have broken environmental rules more than 100 times in the last two years, according to Scottish Government regulators.
Fish farming companies under fire for information breaches
Seven fish farming companies have been accused by the Scottish Government’s green watchdog of breaking the law by failing to provide information on fish numbers.
Salmon industry under fire for ‘pressure’ on green watchdog
The salmon farming industry has been accused of trying to “pressure” Scotland’s environment watchdog by persisting with complaints about how it is regulated.
Ministers bow to salmon industry pressure on pesticide
A new safety limit on a pesticide that kills marine wildlife has been delayed by four years following pressure from the salmon farming industry.
“Greenwashing” objections to farmed salmon name change dismissed
The UK Government threw out 'greenwashing' objections to the Scottish fish farming industry’s successful bid to remove the word “farmed” from the official name of its salmon.
Wildlife objection to salmon farm spiked after industry lobbying
The Scottish Government’s wildlife agency withdrew an objection to proposed new salmon cages near the island of Barra after intensive lobbying.
Revealed: the salmon industry’s ‘outrageous’ lobbying
The salmon farming industry has been privately lobbied the Scottish Government for regulations to be relaxed, consents to be streamlined and other changes.
Probe demanded into ‘inadequate’ protection of wild salmon
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency could be facing an investigation into allegations that it has failed to prevent sea lice escaping from salmon farms.
Named: 19 fish farms posing ‘high risk’ to wild salmon
Nineteen fish farms on lochs along the west coast of Scotland have been identified as posing the most risk to endangered wild salmon.