Browsing Tag
Scottish Sea Farms
29 posts
Salmon farm antibiotics leap 50 times
The use of drugs at fish farms in Scotland has risen more than 50 times over the last six years.
M&S salmon firm rapped for misreporting pesticide use
The company that supplies Scottish farmed salmon to the retail giant, Marks and Spencer, has been officially reprimanded for misreporting toxic pesticide use.
Bee-killing pesticide treatment for fish farms backed by Scottish Government
The Scottish Government is paving the way for the multinational salmon farming industry to start using a toxic pesticide blamed for killing bees.
Suffering ‘endemic’ at Scottish salmon farms
Salmon suffering at Scottish fish farms is “endemic” and in breach of animal cruelty law, according to an undercover investigation by animal welfare campaigners.
Fish farms: £10m handouts, £900m profits and 300,000 tonnes of pollution
Six fish farming companies in Scotland given government handouts of over £10 million have made profits of £926 million since 2010.
Salmon companies rapped for breaking rules on shooting seals
The Scottish Government has reprimanded salmon farming companies for breaking the rules on shooting seals - but has not taken any further action.
£3.3bn: the ‘hidden’ cost of salmon farming in Scotland
The Scottish salmon farming industry has incurred “hidden” costs of £3.3 billion since 2013 because of deaths, pollution, parasites and poor animal welfare.
Police apologise to anti-fish farm campaigner over access
Police have apologised to an anti-fish-farming campaigner after he complained of being wrongly warned off filming salmon cages in lochs.
Threat of legal action over farmed salmon ‘torture chamber’
Campaigners are contemplating legal action alleging animal cruelty after a video showed farmed salmon being deloused by a floating washing machine.