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Scottish Salmon Watch
43 posts
Police apologise to anti-fish farm campaigner over access
Police have apologised to an anti-fish-farming campaigner after he complained of being wrongly warned off filming salmon cages in lochs.
Fury as fish farm pesticide pollution rises 72% in a year
Pollution of Scotland’s lochs from a toxic fish farm pesticide has leapt 72 per cent in a year, according to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Salmon dying in cages prompt fish farm investigation
An investigation has been launched into conditions at an Argyll fish farm after footage emerged of dead and dying salmon floating in cages on a freshwater loch.
Salmon farm rapped for toxic pesticide breaches
A salmon farming company has been reprimanded for feeding a toxic pesticide to fish twice as often as permitted and breaching a safety limit.
Farmed salmon deaths from disease reach record high
The amount of salmon killed by diseases and other problems at fish farms has reached record levels, with death rates quadrupling over the last 18 years.
Seal scarers used by fish farms branded ‘sonic torture’
Noise alarms used by the salmon farming industry to scare away seals could damage the hearing of whales, dolphins and porpoises, according to the Scottish Government’s wildlife agency.
Seal shooting at fish farms doubles before ban
The number of seals shot by the fish farming industry has doubled ahead of a proposed government ban, prompting fears of a “killing spree”.
Seal shooting by fish farms to be banned to save exports to US
The Scottish Government is going to ban the fish farming industry from shooting seals to save a £180 million export business to the US, The Ferret can reveal.
Toxic fish farm pesticide polluted ten lochs across Scotland
Ten lochs across Scotland have been polluted by a toxic pesticide used by fish farms to control fungus, parasites and disease.