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Scottish Parliament Information Centre
5 posts
‘The spark is lit’: Can AI revolutionise Scotland’s healthcare?
“It’s like Rolls Royce building a full simulation of an engine, with millions of parts. They build a model and can simulate all kinds of failure and tolerance rates,” says Professor Ian Simpson.
Claim Scotland to give back £450m in EU funding is Half True
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim about Scotland's use of EU funding.
Fact check: the final BBC Scottish leaders’ debate
Ferret Fact Service looks at another five claims from the party leaders during a BBC debate ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections.
Fact check: Immigration claims on BBC Question Time
Ferret Fact service looks at a number of claims about immigration and the health service made by an audience member appearing on the BBC's Question Time programme.
Claim that Scotland is highest taxed part of UK is Mostly False
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim by Boris Johnson that Scotland has the highest taxes in the UK.