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Scottish Government
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Latest news about The Scottish Government
Information watchdog pressured to keep secrets
The Scottish Information Commissioner, Rosemary Agnew, bowed to government pressure to conceal information about legal advice on tuition fees.
Rare Scottish wildlife left without legal protection
Scottish ministers have not given legal protection to ten endangered species, including four insects, two plants, two seahorses and water voles.
Fracking: US study warns of toxic chemical risks
Fresh fears about fracking Scotland’s central belt after scientists discover dangerous levels of toxic chemicals at a US fracking site.
Bees slowly poisoned by pesticides, say scientists
An expert review concludes that neonicotinoids are killing bees, and could threaten food production.
Bid to block ban on controversial pesticides
The Scottish Government has supported an attempt by the agricultural industry to stall a proposed European ban on endocrine-disrupting pesticides, according to memos seen by The Ferret.
Ministers drop consultant exposed as pro fracking
The Scottish Government awarded a £36,000 contract to investigate the environmental impact of fracking to a vocal supporter of the technology - and then hastily dropped it under questioning.
Beavers cruelly shot on Tayside, post-mortems reveal
Emails reveal landowners have been inhumanely shooting beavers and causing them to suffer slow, painful deaths.
Scottish Government protecting wind farms not porpoises, say advisors
Plans to protect endangered porpoises around the Scottish coast have been blocked by the Scottish Government to clear the way for offshore wind farms.
Amazon cashes in on public money while workers pay for buses
Amazon received almost £1m in Scottish Government grants in 2015 while its agency staff are being bussed from Glasgow to Fife to work 60 hour weeks.