Browsing Tag
Scottish Association of Landlords
6 posts
Revealed: over 1300 eviction orders granted despite ‘ban’
More than 1,300 evictions were granted during Scotland’s so-called eviction ‘ban’ while many tenants were forced to rack up thousands in debts before being offered social housing.
FFS Explains: Scotland’s rent freeze and eviction ban
FFS explains Scotland's rent freeze including what it is, who it will affect, why it is being introduced, and what the reaction has been.
Low earning Scots face paying more than half of salary on rent
Low earners in Scotland face paying more than half of their salary on rent, analysis of nearly 4,500 rental listings by The Ferret has found.
Scots landlords served hundreds of eviction notices during lockdown
Hundreds of tenants in Scotland have been handed eviction notices since the beginning of lockdown, despite government advice for landlords to be flexible during the pandemic.
Tenants ‘sidelined’ as landlords lobby for extra Covid-19 subsidy
Landlord lobbyists have pressured Scottish Government officials for further coronavirus subsidies in regular meetings with civil servants, documents show.
Police urged to tackle landlords breaking lockdown laws
Housing and advice charities have warned that more must be done to tackle rogue landlords caught breaking the rules all over Scotland, despite emergency coronavirus laws.