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8 posts
FFS explains: Rwanda plan confusion
Ferret Fact Service explains the Rwanda policy, and how it has been misrepresented.
Home Office bill will “scythe” protections for trafficking victims in Scotland, lawyers warn
The bill, which could see trafficking survivors detained indefinitely or deported to Rwanda, was a “gift to traffickers”, they claimed.
Asylum seekers facing second Christmas in hotels ‘abandoned’ by the system
Asylum seekers – who are spending their second Christmas without having their claim for sanctuary considered and living in a hotel – say they have been “abandoned by the system”, with some reporting feeling suicidal.
Survivor of child torture fights deportation to Rwanda
A Syrian survivor of childhood torture and detention has become the second person in Scotland to fight Home Office plans to deport him to Rwanda.
FFS explains: Rwanda flights and European Court of Human Rights
Ferret Fact Service looks at how the European Court of Human Rights intervened to stop the first asylum seeker flight to Rwanda.
Missing trafficked children prompts claims of “child protection crisis”
Nearly 600 unaccompanied children arrived in Scotland over three years, including 88 who had been trafficked, and at least 11 young people have gone missing from care.
Claim Glasgow areas have lower life expectancy than Rwanda is False
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim comparing the life expectancy of Glasgow to Rwanda.
Experts say Scotland must engage Rwanda on human rights abuses
The Scottish Government has said it will partner with the Rwandan Government on international development - but experts say the latter's poor human rights record must be addressed.