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Robbie Marsland
17 posts
Fox hunts accused of using dogs to chase animals despite ban
Mounted hunts have been filmed covertly and reported to Police Scotland for allegedly flouting a new law to prevent illegal fox hunting with packs of dogs.
Safety fears over drug residues in grouse after watchdog fails to test Scottish birds
Experts call for a moratorium on the use of medicated grit until the potential damage to the environment is established.
Fox hunts accused of killing fox cubs by animal rights groups
Animal welfare campaigners have expressed concern that fox hunts have been illegally hunting fox cubs ahead of new legislation coming into force.
Animal welfare groups fear fox hunt law “loopholes” may be exploited
Animal welfare groups have voiced concern that new legislation on fox hunting in Scotland still contains loopholes that could be exploited.
Licences to kill foxes issued despite experts’ objections
Licences for a foot pack to kill foxes were issued by Forestry and Land Scotland despite strong objections from internal experts.
Revealed: Millions of gamebirds imported into Scotland from overseas
Nearly three million gamebird chicks have been imported into Scotland from overseas battery farms to be shot at sporting estates in recent years, we can reveal.
Forestry and Land Scotland criticised for allowing fox hunts into public forests
Animal welfare groups have condemned Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) for continuing to allow fox hunts into public forests which are home to protected species such as otters, wildcats and badgers.
Animal charity urges ministers to enact plans for tighter fox hunting law after huntsman convicted
An animal welfare charity has urged the Scottish Government not to drop plans for tighter regulation of fox hunting following the conviction of a top huntsman who encouraged illegal hunting.
Borders huntsman cleared of illegal fox hunting
A former master of the Jedforest Hunt in the Borders has been found not guilty of illegal fox hunting.