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Mental health
25 posts
Peter’s Story: ‘It’s not plain sailing…but my life has changed’
One of our citizen journalists, Peter, has a special interest in mental health and addiction, due to his own experiences. This is his story.
Nearly half of young Scots say finances worsen their mental health
Financial comfort for young people surveyed was largely determined by their access to parental support. Respondents without access to a parental safety net said they were more likely to rely on higher cost forms of credit, like payday loans, to get by.
Overcrowding and mental distress: Scottish Government urged to address prison concerns
Concerns about prison overcrowding and mentally ill women prisoners, previously raised by an international human rights organisation, have not been fully resolved, new research claims.
Rise in prison deaths raises questions about access to health care
A “small but sharp” rise in deaths in prisons should prompt serious questions about the impact of pandemic restrictions of those in jail, according to campaigners.
NHS Tayside stalls community plans for abandoned infirmary
NHS Tayside stalls community plans for abandoned infirmary
Fact check: the BBC Scottish leaders debate
Ferret Fact Service looked at claims by the party leaders ahead of the Scottish Parliament election.
Continued prison lockdowns are ‘de facto solitary confinement’
Criminal justice experts are raising serious concerns about the “de facto solitary confinement” of Scottish prisoners over the last year, with many facing intense levels of isolation.
Forgotten island: Barra’s hidden health crisis
The beautiful island of Barra is fighting a Covid-19 outbreak. But islanders say the pandemic also highights a long-standing erosion of health and social care services.
Social media firms urged to tackle pro-anorexia posts affecting vulnerable Scots
Social media platforms are being urged to be more proactive in tackling harmful content that promotes eating disorders and dramatic weight loss.