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Lynn Jamieson
22 posts
Revealed: MoD cover-up on Gruinard anthrax contamination
The Ministry of Defence covered up evidence that toxic contamination could have spread from Gruinard island to the mainland in north west Scotland.
Nuclear sites ‘set to flood’ due to climate change
The Faslane nuclear base on the Clyde could be forced to shut down by increasing storms and floods caused by climate pollution, according to an expert report.
‘Devastating’ nuclear accident risks kept under wraps
A ruling allowing the Ministry of Defence to keep nuclear safety problems secret has been condemned as a threat to democracy, with “devastating” accident risks.
Trident nuclear base damned as ‘poor’ after polluting the Clyde
Trident nuclear base condemned by Scottish Government watchdog for “poor” environmental performance after it polluted the Clyde with toxic chemicals.
‘Sleekit’ increase in Trident nuclear warheads on the Clyde
The UK government is accused of secretly boosting the number of Trident nuclear warheads stored on the Clyde over the last five years.
Revealed: fire safety and staff problems at nuclear sites
Nuclear bomb sites across the UK have fire safety problems as well as shortages of safety regulators and engineers, according to a Ministry of Defence report.
Trident damned as ‘deadly farce’ after costs rise £1bn
The cost of UK programmes to replace Trident and nuclear submarines on the Clyde increased by over £1 billion in a year, according to data released by the Ministry of Defence.
Ministry of Defence wasted £9m on ‘fruitless payments’
The Ministry of Defence has wasted £9 million on tax fines, contract errors and other “fruitless payments”, according to an official list.
Ministry of Defence gags staff on Trident and Scotland
The Ministry of Defence has banned its military and civilian staff from speaking publicly about Trident nuclear weapons in Scotland.