Browsing Tag
Houthi insurgency in Yemen
4 posts
Fife arms firm snubs meeting with MPs over Yemen bombs
Bombs made by arms multi-national Raytheon has been linked to war crimes in Yemen, but the company did not speak to investigating MPs.
Raytheon’s smart bombs linked to more alleged war crimes in Yemen
At least 122 children and 56 women were among hundreds of casualties when civilian sites were hit during the conflict, a report says.
US arms firm linked to war crimes taught in schools 81 times
Arms firm Raytheon, which has been linked to alleged war crimes in Yemen, taught in schools on 81 occasions over the past two years.
Scots doctors call for an end to UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia
Doctors in Scotland are among hundreds of medics who’ve signed a letter calling on the UK Government to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia.