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Friends of the Earth
17 posts
Unmasked: the 138 ‘polluters’ at key climate talks
More than a hundred executives with links to industries blamed for pollution were permitted to take part in vital international talks to combat climate change.
‘Big energy’ dominates lobbying of Scottish Government amid climate crisis
Questions have been raised over the power and influence of energy companies lobbying Scottish ministers and special advisors.
Revealed: spycops infiltrated Scottish anti-nuclear groups
Scottish anti-nuclear groups were spied upon by the British state in the 1970s and 1980s, according to documents released by police to the spycops inquiry.
Scottish Government accused of ‘false solutions’ to climate crisis
The Scottish Government is chasing "carbon unicorns" in an attempt to meet its net-zero targets, say environmentalists.
Scottish airports could lose 220,000 passengers if Heathrow expands
Newly uncovered forecasts reveal Heathrow's expansion could lead to a decrease of more than 220,000 passengers in Scottish airports.
Call for investigation after arms firms links to Whitehall exposed
At least 50 arms company employees had passes for Ministry of Defence premises this year, allowing them privileged access to Whitehall.
Burning underground coal left ‘trail of destruction’
Plans to set fire to coal under the seabed at 19 sites around the UK could cause massive climate pollution, groundwater contamination and toxic waste.
Blow to plans to burn coal under the sea
Much vaunted plans to set fire to coal under the sea around Scotland are likely to be dealt a blow by an independent review for the Scottish Government.