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Eve Massie
13 posts
Landowners bid to shoot more protected birds to save wild salmon
Sporting estates are drawing up plans to lobby for blanket permission to shoot more birds to stop them eating salmon, according to a leaked document.
“Wholesale slaughter”: around 100 beavers shot in Tayside
Farmers and landowners have killed around a hundred wild beavers in Tayside in a cull condemned as "sickening" and "shameful" by campaigners.
Ewing backs fox control with hounds in public forests
Foxes have been chased by hounds and shot in public forests after interventions by the rural economy minister, Fergus Ewing, backing shooters.
Animal lab sanctioned after scores of rats crushed to death
Animal research firm sanctioned by the UK government after being accused of leaving more than a hundred rats inside an industrial crusher by mistake.