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Amnesty International
36 posts
Continued prison lockdowns are ‘de facto solitary confinement’
Criminal justice experts are raising serious concerns about the “de facto solitary confinement” of Scottish prisoners over the last year, with many facing intense levels of isolation.
UK Government urged to follow President Biden and end arms sales to Saudi Arabia
The UK Government is being urged to follow a shift in US foreign policy and stop selling arms, including smart bombs made in Scotland, to Saudi Arabia.
Scots universities have shares worth £2m in firms linked to West Bank settlements
Scottish universities have shares worth more than £2m in companies linked to the West Bank, it has been revealed, leading to calls for disinvestment.
UK-made tear gas fired at pro-democracy protestors in Greece
Tear gas and stun grenades made in the UK were used against pro-democracy protestors recently in Greece, according to human rights groups.
University urged to end Saudi deal after rise in beheadings
A Scottish university has been condemned for a secretive contract with Saudi Arabia after a report that the Gulf state executed 184 people last year.
Increase allowance for asylum seekers, charities tell UK government
A charity in Glasgow that counsels torture survivors is among 60 organisations urging the UK government to increase the asylum support allowance during the Covid-19 pandemic.
UK arms deals with Egypt condemned after report reveals regime’s child torture
The UK government and arms firms based in Scotland were condemned in a Human Rights Watch report for selling weapons to an Egyptian regime that tortures children by waterboarding and electrocution.
Police Scotland taser use up sixfold in four years
The number of times tasers were deployed by Police Scotland has risen sharply, with senior officers pledging to make sure they are "available in all our communities all of the time."
Arms firms executives could face investigation for complicity in war crimes
Executives of a US arms firm which makes smart bombs in Fife could face investigation for potentially aiding and abetting alleged war crimes in Yemen by a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia.