Browsing Category
Fact check
420 posts
Does the ‘rape clause’ only require victims to tick a box to receive exemption?
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim from Scottish Conservatives leader Ruth Davidson about the controversial 'rape clause'.
Is the SNP planning to “cut back” bus pass eligibility?
Ferret Fact Service (FFS) looks at whether the SNP are planning to cut the eligibility for free bus passes in Scotland.
Has the SNP overseen the biggest in-work poverty increase since devolution?
Ferret Fact Service looks at Jeremy Corbyn's claim that the SNP has overseen the biggest increase of-work poverty.
Do ‘mature democracies’ deny 16-year-olds the right to vote?
Former Labour MP Tom Harris said 'No serious mature democracy allows 16-year-olds a vote.' Was he correct?
Does Scotland have the best A&E waiting times in the UK?
We examine the claim that people in Scotland don't have to wait as long in accident and emergency as people in the rest of the UK.
Would an independent Scotland have to join a queue for EU membership?
We examine the claim that an independent Scotland would have to 'join the queue' to get into the European Union.