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Fact check
420 posts
FFS Explains: the changing benefits system in the UK and Scotland
Ferret Fact Service looks at Westminster welfare reforms and changes to Holyrood's benefits system.
Claim that Glasgow drug death rate is over 1000% higher than EU is Mostly True
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim from Paul Sweeney MP about drug-related deaths in Glasgow.
Claim that Scotland had higher rate of race-related murders is Mostly True
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim about racially-motivated crime in a new book about racism in Scotland.
Claim that 30 per cent of children in the UK are born into poverty is True
Ferret Fact Service looks at Scottish Greens co-convenor Patrick Harvie's claim on child poverty levels in the UK.
Claim transition period means EU boats can fish in our waters post-Brexit is Mostly False
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim from Ukip MEP David Coburn about the impact of the EU transition deal on fishing.
Claim youth unemployment lower in Scotland than UK is True
Ferret Fact Service looks at the claim youth unemployment is lower in Scotland than the UK.
Claim that all murders in Scotland since 2013 have been solved is Half True
Ferret Fact Service looks at the claim that Police Scotland have solved all murders since 2013.
Ferret Fact Service: a year of fact-checking by the numbers
Ferret Fact Service is one-year-old! Take a look at some of the numbers behind our fact-checking since April 2017.
Claim that Scotland does not use private accommodation for homeless people is False
Ferret Fact Service looks at a claim from the UK homelessness minister Heather Wheeler on Scotland's homeless accommodation.